2024 07 27 Flutter
Getting started page flutter.dev.
Create new project
To run the app
or just hit f5
To perform hot reload simply type
into the terminal.
To create a new Statless Widget, simply type stl
into the editor.
Add font files to /fonts
then edit the pubspec.yaml
file. Refresh the pubspec by entering the following into the cmd
Flutter packages¶
Hit the copy buttuon next to a package (i.e. flutter_svg).
Paste it in the dependencies
section within pubspec.yaml
. Then run
SVG Icons¶
Create a folder /assets
, and within that /assets/icons
Then within pubspec.yaml
, uncomment the assets
block and add - assets/icons/
Refactoring Widgets¶
Click on a widget, i.e. Container
, and hit ctr .
. Then you can wrap in widget, then type the widget (i.e. GestureDetector).