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League Info JSON Views

Let's break down each json view and the data that is actually returned.

League Information

We have the following json views regarding our League

(No view parameter)

With no view parameter, we see a high level view of the League object and some of its fields like id, members, teams and just a fiew other parameters. Nothing particularly detailed.

    "gameId": 1,
    "id": 695660,
    "members": [
            "displayName": VALUE,
            "id": GUID,
            "isLeagueManager": false
        }, ...
    "scoringPeriodId": 4,
    "seasonId": 2023,
    "segmentId": 0,
    "settings": {
        "name": "AHS Alum"
    "status": {
        "currentMatchupPeriod": 4,
        "isActive": true,
        "latestScoringPeriod": 4
    "teams": [
            "abbrev": "DICK",
            "id": 1,
            "location": "Richard",
            "nickname": "Buttana",
            "owners": [


mStatus fleshes out the Status field we got a taste of in our previous search. I think the most interesting parameters here include finalScoringPeriod, previousSeasons, teamsJoined.


The only unique field to this view is lastUpdateInfo. Otherwise, the entire status object is returned in other views such as mTeam.

In any case, the full response can be seen below so we know exactly what the view returns.

mStatus json view
    "draftDetail": {
        "drafted": true,
        "inProgress": false
    "gameId": 1,
    "id": 695660,
    "scoringPeriodId": 4,
    "seasonId": 2023,
    "segmentId": 0,
    "status": {
        "activatedDate": 1690375312281,
        "createdAsLeagueType": 0,
        "currentLeagueType": 0,
        "currentMatchupPeriod": 4,
        "finalScoringPeriod": 17,
        "firstScoringPeriod": 1,
        "isActive": true,
        "isExpired": false,
        "isFull": true,
        "isPlayoffMatchupEdited": true,
        "isToBeDeleted": false,
        "isViewable": true,
        "isWaiverOrderEdited": false,
        "lastUpdateInfo": {
            "clientAddress": null,
            "platform": "lm-processor",
            "source": "NightlyLeagueUpdateTaskProcessor"
        "latestScoringPeriod": 4,
        "previousSeasons": [
        "standingsUpdateDate": 1695714108553,
        "teamsJoined": 16,
        "transactionScoringPeriod": 4,
        "waiverLastExecutionDate": 1695714107284,
        "waiverProcessStatus": {
            "2023-09-05T07:31:30.748+0000": 3,
            "2023-09-13T08:41:11.851+0000": 7,
            "2023-09-14T07:43:12.340+0000": 1,
            "2023-09-20T07:40:58.921+0000": 9


You guessed it - mSettings fleshes out the settings object within the league. Here we will get the following sub settings objects: acquisitionSettings, draftSettings, financeSettings, rosterSettings, scheduleSettings, scoringSettings, tradeSettings.

For our use case, scoringSettings may be useful if we need to actually apply these settings to stats to calculate fantasy points. However, as well will see, this isn't really necessary as we will see appliedStats fields that have already made these calculations on the back end.

mSettings json view
    "draftDetail": {
        "drafted": true,
        "inProgress": false
    "gameId": 1,
    "id": 695660,
    "scoringPeriodId": 4,
    "seasonId": 2023,
    "segmentId": 0,
    "settings": {
        "acquisitionSettings": {
            "acquisitionBudget": 100,
            "acquisitionLimit": -1,
            "acquisitionType": "WAIVERS_TRADITIONAL",
            "isUsingAcquisitionBudget": false,
            "matchupAcquisitionLimit": 0.0,
            "matchupLimitPerScoringPeriod": false,
            "minimumBid": 1,
            "waiverHours": 24,
            "waiverOrderReset": true,
            "waiverProcessDays": [
            "waiverProcessHour": 11
        "draftSettings": {
            "auctionBudget": 200,
            "availableDate": 1693789200000,
            "date": 1693792800000,
            "isTradingEnabled": false,
            "keeperCount": 0,
            "keeperCountFuture": 0,
            "keeperOrderType": "TRADITIONAL",
            "leagueSubType": "NONE",
            "orderType": "DRAFT_START",
            "pickOrder": [
            "timePerSelection": 60,
            "type": "SNAKE"
        "financeSettings": {
            "entryFee": 0.0,
            "miscFee": 0.0,
            "perLoss": 0.0,
            "perTrade": 0.0,
            "playerAcquisition": 0.0,
            "playerDrop": 0.0,
            "playerMoveToActive": 0.0,
            "playerMoveToIR": 0.0
        "isCustomizable": true,
        "isPublic": false,
        "name": "AHS Alum",
        "restrictionType": "NONE",
        "rosterSettings": {
            "isBenchUnlimited": true,
            "isUsingUndroppableList": true,
            "lineupLocktimeType": "INDIVIDUAL_GAME",
            "lineupSlotCounts": {
                "0": 1,
                "1": 0,
                "2": 2,
                "3": 0,
                "4": 2,
                "5": 0,
                "6": 1,
                "7": 0,
                "8": 0,
                "9": 0,
                "10": 0,
                "11": 0,
                "12": 0,
                "13": 0,
                "14": 0,
                "15": 0,
                "16": 1,
                "17": 1,
                "18": 0,
                "19": 0,
                "20": 5,
                "21": 1,
                "22": 0,
                "23": 1,
                "24": 0
            "lineupSlotStatLimits": {},
            "moveLimit": -1,
            "positionLimits": {
                "0": 0,
                "1": 3,
                "2": 8,
                "3": 8,
                "4": 3,
                "5": 3,
                "6": 0,
                "7": 0,
                "8": 0,
                "9": 0,
                "10": 0,
                "11": 0,
                "12": 0,
                "13": 0,
                "14": 0,
                "15": -1,
                "16": 3,
                "17": 0
            "rosterLocktimeType": "INDIVIDUAL_GAME",
            "universeIds": [
        "scheduleSettings": {
            "divisions": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "name": "Barton Hills Zilker",
                    "size": 4
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Oak Hill Travis Country",
                    "size": 4
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "Band Nerds",
                    "size": 4
                    "id": 3,
                    "name": "The Pit Orchestra",
                    "size": 4
            "matchupPeriodCount": 14,
            "matchupPeriodLength": 1,
            "matchupPeriods": {
                "1": [
                "2": [
                "3": [
                "4": [
                "5": [
                "6": [
                "7": [
                "8": [
                "9": [
                "10": [
                "11": [
                "12": [
                "13": [
                "14": [
                "15": [
                "16": [
                "17": [
            "periodTypeId": 1,
            "playoffMatchupPeriodLength": 1,
            "playoffSeedingRule": "TOTAL_POINTS_SCORED",
            "playoffSeedingRuleBy": 0,
            "playoffTeamCount": 6
        "scoringSettings": {
            "allowOutOfPositionScoring": false,
            "homeTeamBonus": 0,
            "matchupTieRule": "NONE",
            "matchupTieRuleBy": 0,
            "playerRankType": "STANDARD",
            "playoffHomeTeamBonus": 3,
            "playoffMatchupTieRule": "NONE",
            "playoffMatchupTieRuleBy": 0,
            "scoringItems": [
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": -1.0,
                    "statId": 68
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": -1.0,
                    "statId": 72
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": -1.0
                    "statId": 122
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": -3.0
                    "statId": 134
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 6.0,
                    "statId": 25
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 1.0
                    "statId": 131
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 1.0
                    "statId": 106
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": -5.0
                    "statId": 135
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": -7.0
                    "statId": 136
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 6.0,
                    "statId": 43
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 6.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 6.0
                    "statId": 102
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.1,
                    "statId": 24
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 6.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 6.0
                    "statId": 103
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 7.0
                    "statId": 128
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 6.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 6.0
                    "statId": 101
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 6.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 6.0
                    "statId": 104
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": -7.0
                    "statId": 125
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 5.0
                    "statId": 129
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": -5.0
                    "statId": 124
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": -1.0,
                    "statId": 85
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.04,
                    "statId": 3
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 1.0,
                    "statId": 86
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": -1.0
                    "statId": 133
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.1,
                    "statId": 42
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": -1.0,
                    "statId": 88
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
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                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 3.0
                    "statId": 130
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 5.0,
                    "statId": 4
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": -3.0
                    "statId": 123
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 5.0
                    "statId": 90
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 2.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 2.0
                    "statId": 206
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 7.0
                    "statId": 89
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.04,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 0.01
                    "statId": 114
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 1.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 1.0
                    "statId": 209
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 3.0
                    "statId": 95
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 6.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 6.0
                    "statId": 93
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 2.0
                    "statId": 98
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
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                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 3.0
                    "statId": 91
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
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                        "16": 2.0
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                    "points": 2.0,
                    "statId": 19
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                    "points": 0.0,
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                        "16": 2.0
                    "statId": 97
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                    "statId": 20
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                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 6.0,
                    "statId": 63
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                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 0.1
                    "statId": 112
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                    "points": 3.0,
                    "statId": 80
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                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 2.0,
                    "statId": 26
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                    "points": 4.0,
                    "statId": 77
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                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 1.0
                    "statId": 92
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 1.0
                    "statId": 99
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.04,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 0.04
                    "statId": 115
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 2.0,
                    "statId": 44
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 5.0,
                    "statId": 201
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 0.0,
                    "pointsOverrides": {
                        "16": 0.1
                    "statId": 113
                    "isReverseItem": false,
                    "leagueRanking": 0.0,
                    "leagueTotal": 0.0,
                    "points": 5.0,
                    "statId": 198
            "scoringType": "H2H_POINTS"
        "size": 16,
        "tradeSettings": {
            "allowOutOfUniverse": false,
            "deadlineDate": 1701417600000,
            "max": -1,
            "revisionHours": 48,
            "vetoVotesRequired": 4
    "status": {
        "activatedDate": 1690375312281,
        "createdAsLeagueType": 0,
        "currentLeagueType": 0,
        "currentMatchupPeriod": 4,
        "finalScoringPeriod": 17,
        "firstScoringPeriod": 1,
        "isActive": true,
        "isExpired": false,
        "isFull": true,
        "isPlayoffMatchupEdited": true,
        "isToBeDeleted": false,
        "isViewable": true,
        "isWaiverOrderEdited": false,
        "latestScoringPeriod": 4,
        "previousSeasons": [
        "standingsUpdateDate": 1695714108553,
        "teamsJoined": 16,
        "transactionScoringPeriod": 4,
        "waiverLastExecutionDate": 1695714107284,
        "waiverProcessStatus": {
            "2023-09-05T07:31:30.748+0000": 3,
            "2023-09-13T08:41:11.851+0000": 7,
            "2023-09-14T07:43:12.340+0000": 1,
            "2023-09-20T07:40:58.921+0000": 9


mTeam gives us a few more fields about the members such as firstName, lastName, and notificationSettings. As expected though, we see a lot more information about the teams array including:

  • currentProjectedRank
  • divisionId
  • draftDayProjectedRank
  • draftStrategy
  • pendingTransactions
    • waiver claims, or pending trades. In this case you will see my claims (today is Tuesday)
  • playoffSeed
  • points
  • primaryOwner
  • rankCalculatedFinal
  • rankFinal
  • record
  • transaction counter
    • details number of roster transactions
  • valuesByStat
    • a StatLine object showing total values for the season of passing yards, passing TDs, etc
mTeam json view
    "draftDetail": {
        "drafted": true,
        "inProgress": false
    "gameId": 1,
    "id": 695660,
    "members": [
            "displayName": "Wildebeast214",
            "firstName": "Thomas",
            "id": GUID,
            "lastName": "Wilde",
            "notificationSettings": [
                    "enabled": true,
                    "id": "1fbc7858-9606-4338-897b-fdabcca555a9",
                    "type": "TEAM_PLAYER_STARTBENCH"
        } ...
    "scoringPeriodId": 4,
    "seasonId": 2023,
    "segmentId": 0,
    "status": {
        "activatedDate": 1690375312281,
        "createdAsLeagueType": 0,
        "currentLeagueType": 0,
        "currentMatchupPeriod": 4,
        "finalScoringPeriod": 17,
        "firstScoringPeriod": 1,
        "isActive": true,
        "isExpired": false,
        "isFull": true,
        "isPlayoffMatchupEdited": true,
        "isToBeDeleted": false,
        "isViewable": true,
        "isWaiverOrderEdited": false,
        "latestScoringPeriod": 4,
        "previousSeasons": [
        "standingsUpdateDate": 1695714108553,
        "teamsJoined": 16,
        "transactionScoringPeriod": 4,
        "waiverLastExecutionDate": 1695714107284,
        "waiverProcessStatus": {
            "2023-09-05T07:31:30.748+0000": 3,
            "2023-09-13T08:41:11.851+0000": 7,
            "2023-09-14T07:43:12.340+0000": 1,
            "2023-09-20T07:40:58.921+0000": 9
    "teams": [
            "abbrev": "DICK",
            "currentProjectedRank": 1,
            "divisionId": 3,
            "draftDayProjectedRank": 15,
            "draftStrategy": {
                "futureKeeperPlayerIds": [],
                "keeperPlayerIds": []
            "id": 1,
            "isActive": false,
            "location": "Richard",
            "logo": "",
            "logoType": "CUSTOM_VALID",
            "name": "Richard Buttana",
            "nickname": "Buttana",
            "owners": [
            "pendingTransactions": [
                    "bidAmount": 0,
                    "executionType": "EXECUTE",
                    "id": "3370e5c7-74d9-470c-9874-02b6d1685e3c",
                    "isActingAsTeamOwner": false,
                    "isLeagueManager": false,
                    "isPending": true,
                    "items": [
                            "fromLineupSlotId": -1,
                            "fromTeamId": 0,
                            "isKeeper": false,
                            "overallPickNumber": 0,
                            "playerId": 4429025,
                            "toLineupSlotId": -1,
                            "toTeamId": 1,
                            "type": "ADD"
                            "fromLineupSlotId": 20,
                            "fromTeamId": 1,
                            "isKeeper": false,
                            "overallPickNumber": 0,
                            "playerId": 3924365,
                            "toLineupSlotId": -1,
                            "toTeamId": 0,
                            "type": "DROP"
                    "memberId": GUID,
                    "processDate": 1695798000000,
                    "proposedDate": 1695752700012,
                    "rating": 0,
                    "scoringPeriodId": 4,
                    "skipTransactionCounters": false,
                    "status": "PENDING",
                    "subOrder": 2,
                    "teamId": 1,
                    "type": "WAIVER"
                }, ...
            "playoffSeed": 3,
            "points": 302.28999999999996,
            "pointsAdjusted": 0.0,
            "pointsDelta": 0.0,
            "primaryOwner": GUID,
            "rankCalculatedFinal": 0,
            "rankFinal": 0,
            "record": {
                "away": {
                    "gamesBack": 0.0,
                    "losses": 0,
                    "percentage": 1.0,
                    "pointsAgainst": 0.0,
                    "pointsFor": 0.0,
                    "streakLength": 1,
                    "streakType": "WIN",
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 1
                "division": {
                    "gamesBack": 0.0,
                    "losses": 0,
                    "percentage": 1.0,
                    "pointsAgainst": 0.0,
                    "pointsFor": 0.0,
                    "streakLength": 3,
                    "streakType": "WIN",
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 3
                "home": {
                    "gamesBack": 0.0,
                    "losses": 0,
                    "percentage": 1.0,
                    "pointsAgainst": 0.0,
                    "pointsFor": 0.0,
                    "streakLength": 2,
                    "streakType": "WIN",
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 2
                "overall": {
                    "gamesBack": 0.0,
                    "losses": 0,
                    "percentage": 1.0,
                    "pointsAgainst": 215.28,
                    "pointsFor": 302.28999999999996,
                    "streakLength": 3,
                    "streakType": "WIN",
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 3
            "tradeBlock": {},
            "transactionCounter": {
                "acquisitionBudgetSpent": 0,
                "acquisitions": 6,
                "drops": 8,
                "matchupAcquisitionTotals": {
                    "1": 1,
                    "2": 3,
                    "3": 2
                "misc": 0,
                "moveToActive": 11,
                "moveToIR": 2,
                "paid": 0.0,
                "teamCharges": 0.0,
                "trades": 0
            "valuesByStat": {
                "128": 0.0,
                "129": 0.0,
                "130": 2.0,
                "3": 1024.0,
                "131": 0.0,
                "4": 8.0,
                "133": 0.0,
                "134": 0.0,
                "135": 0.0,
                "136": 0.0,
                "19": 0.0,
                "20": 2.0,
                "24": 651.0,
                "25": 1.0,
                "26": 0.0,
                "42": 670.0,
                "43": 3.0,
                "44": 0.0,
                "63": 0.0,
                "68": 5.0,
                "198": 2.0,
                "72": 1.0,
                "201": 0.0,
                "77": 4.0,
                "206": 0.0,
                "80": 1.0,
                "209": 0.0,
                "85": 1.0,
                "86": 4.0,
                "88": 0.0,
                "89": 0.0,
                "90": 0.0,
                "91": 2.0,
                "92": 0.0,
                "93": 0.0,
                "95": 1.0,
                "96": 4.0,
                "97": 0.0,
                "98": 0.0,
                "99": 12.0,
                "101": 0.0,
                "102": 0.0,
                "103": 0.0,
                "104": 0.0,
                "106": 4.0,
                "112": 15.0,
                "113": 8.0,
                "114": 21.0,
                "115": 43.0,
                "122": 0.0,
                "123": 0.0,
                "124": 0.0,
                "125": 0.0
            "waiverRank": 14
        }, ...


mStandings adds a currentSimulationResults object to our teams array. This object includes

  • divisionWinPct: Percent chance to win division
  • playoffPct : Percent chance to make playoffs
  • rank : Projected final rank
  • modeRecord : An object that shows our project final record

We also see a schedule object which is an array of match's. This view gives us an overview of each match, i.e. home team id and points and away team id and points.

mStandings json view
    "draftDetail": {
        "drafted": true,
        "inProgress": false
    "gameId": 1,
    "id": 695660,
    "schedule": [
            "away": {
                "gamesPlayed": 0,
                "teamId": 3,
                "totalPoints": 48.06
            "home": {
                "gamesPlayed": 0,
                "teamId": 1,
                "totalPoints": 91.05
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
        // Note: future matches also shown
            "away": {
                "gamesPlayed": 0,
                "teamId": 3,
                "totalPoints": 0.0
            "home": {
                "gamesPlayed": 0,
                "teamId": 18,
                "totalPoints": 0.0
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
    "scoringPeriodId": 4,
    "seasonId": 2023,
    "segmentId": 0,
    "status": { OMMITTED FOR BREVITY
    "teams": [
            "currentSimulationResults": {
                "divisionWinPct": 0.6205,
                "modeRecord": {
                    "gamesBack": 0.0,
                    "losses": 5,
                    "percentage": 0.0,
                    "pointsAgainst": 0.0,
                    "pointsFor": 0.0,
                    "streakLength": 0,
                    "streakType": "NONE",
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 9
                "playoffClinchType": "UNKNOWN",
                "playoffPct": 0.7415,
                "rank": 1
            "id": 1,
            "playoffClinchType": "UNKNOWN"
        }, ...


mRoster populates the roster object for each team which of course describes each player on each teams roster. The way this is structured is as follows

  • Roster
    • some fields...
    • List<RosterEntry>
  • Roster Entry
    • slot information, acquisition, etc.
    • PlayerPoolEntry
  • PlayerPoolEntry
    • Info about the player in regards to the league, i.e. status: ONTEAM
    • Player
  • Player Everything you could want to know about the player


If you want to query PlayerPoolEntry specifically, check out kona_player_card json view.

It should be noted that the stats array within the player shows appliedStats which are calculated fantasy points for each of the actual stats. Therefore, this player object contains more fields than would be expected from simply retrieving the player from the espn api. When we create the SpringBoot entity, we may represent this as FantasyPlayer extends Player and the FantasyPlayer object would also be defined by this particular league id.

Let's break down the stats array, which is an array of what I call StatLine objects. Here we will see the StatLine objects have unique id values that designate the the time periord and whether the stat line is a projection or actual. The id value is a concatenation of statSourceId + statSplitTypeId + externalId.

  • statSourceId can have either 0 meaning actual or 1 meaning projection.
  • statSplitTypeId can have 0 which means year, 1 which means week, or 2 which I have not yet discerned.
  • externalId
    • The year if a year stat
    • The year plus scoringPeriod for projected stats
    • Seemingly a unique identifier for the actual week stats.

Here is a break down of what each id represents.

  • 002023
    • "externalId": "2023"
    • "statSourceId": 0
    • "statSplitTypeId": 0
    • These are the total stats so far in 2023 (current year)
  • 122023
    • I have not actually deduced what these stats represent
  • 002022
    • These are the total stats for 2022 (previous year)
  • 102023
    • These are the projected stats for 2023 (current year)
  • 102022
    • These were the projected stats for 2022 (previous year)
  • 1120233
    • These are the Week 3 projected stats (previous week)
  • 01401547438
    • These are the Week 3 actual stats (previous week)
  • 1120234
    • These are the Week 4 projected stats (coming week)


Even though we don't know how the id is built for the week actuals, we could still query this using the scoringPeriodId, statSourceId, and statSplitTypeId.


Other GET params can be added here including scoringPeriodId and rosterForTeamId.

  • scoringPeriodId: Can be used to get the actual and projected stats for a particular week, i.e. Week 2.
  • rosterForTeamId: This shortens the response to only the Roster for a particular team.
mRoster JSON view
    "draftDetail": {
        "drafted": true,
        "inProgress": false
    "gameId": 1,
    "id": 695660,
    "scoringPeriodId": 4,
    "seasonId": 2023,
    "segmentId": 0,
    "status": { ... // Ommitted
    "teams": [
            "id": 1,
            "roster": {
                "appliedStatTotal": 128.48000000000002,
                "entries": [
                        "acquisitionDate": 1693799220114,
                        "acquisitionType": "DRAFT",
                        "injuryStatus": "NORMAL",
                        "lineupSlotId": 6,
                        "pendingTransactionIds": null,
                        "playerId": 15847,
                        "playerPoolEntry": {
                            "appliedStatTotal": 12.9,
                            "id": 15847,
                            "keeperValue": 2,
                            "keeperValueFuture": 1,
                            "lineupLocked": false,
                            "onTeamId": 1,
                            "player": {
                                "active": true,
                                "defaultPositionId": 4,
                                "draftRanksByRankType": {
                                    "STANDARD": {
                                        "auctionValue": 57,
                                        "published": false,
                                        "rank": 5,
                                        "rankSourceId": 0,
                                        "rankType": "STANDARD",
                                        "slotId": 0
                                    "PPR": {
                                        "auctionValue": 57,
                                        "published": false,
                                        "rank": 5,
                                        "rankSourceId": 0,
                                        "rankType": "PPR",
                                        "slotId": 0
                                "droppable": false,
                                "eligibleSlots": [
                                "firstName": "Travis",
                                "fullName": "Travis Kelce",
                                "id": 15847,
                                "injured": false,
                                "injuryStatus": "ACTIVE",
                                "lastName": "Kelce",
                                "lastNewsDate": 1695601802000,
                                "lastVideoDate": 1695607613000,
                                "outlooks": {
                                    "outlooksByWeek": {
                                        "1": "It's amazing to consider that Kelce has finished six of the last seven seasons as the top fantasy tight end. A hyperextended knee suffered in Tuesday's practice, however, puts Kelce's status up in the air against the Lions. Monitor the news headed into Thursday night's kickoff.",
                                        "2": "Given how close to playing it seems Kelce was last week and the extended rest since that Thursday game, the mustached-man is poised to pounce on a young Jacksonville defense.",
                                        "3": "Kelce made his 2023 debut in Week 2 after a knee injury kept him out of the opener. He ended up with four catches for 26 yards and a touchdown in a 17-9 win over the Jaguars. The Chiefs get the Bears at home in Week 3 and Chicago's defense hasn't done much of anything thus far. Kelce should be primed for a big day at home on Sunday afternoon.",
                                        "4": "After being somewhat limited in his return from injury in Week 2, Kelce swiftly regained top tight end status with seven catches for 69 yards in Week 3, including a tailor-made three-yard scoring strike in the third quarter, bringing those in attendance much joy. Kelce tops the tight end charts again in Week 4 when the Chiefs visit the Jets."
                                "ownership": {
                                    "auctionValueAverage": 53.481751824817515,
                                    "averageDraftPosition": 7.273834185938359,
                                    "percentChange": -0.0011883992198846727,
                                    "percentOwned": 99.93245561484213,
                                    "percentStarted": 98.40130614492573
                                "proTeamId": 12,
                                "rankings": {
                                    "0": [
                                            "auctionValue": 0,
                                            "published": true,
                                            "rank": 1,
                                            "rankSourceId": 9,
                                            "rankType": "PPR",
                                            "slotId": 6
                                        }, ...
                                    "1": [],
                                    "2": [
                                            "auctionValue": 0,
                                            "published": true,
                                            "rank": 1,
                                            "rankSourceId": 9,
                                            "rankType": "PPR",
                                            "slotId": 6
                                    "3": [
                                            "auctionValue": 0,
                                            "published": true,
                                            "rank": 1,
                                            "rankSourceId": 9,
                                            "rankType": "PPR",
                                            "slotId": 6
                                        }, ...
                                    "4": [
                                            "auctionValue": 0,
                                            "published": true,
                                            "rank": 1,
                                            "rankSourceId": 9,
                                            "rankType": "PPR",
                                            "slotId": 6
                                        }, ...
                                "seasonOutlook": "Kelce is fresh off a dominant 2022 season in which he led the tight end position in all fantasy-relevant categories and scored 100.9 more fantasy points than the next-closest player at the position. Kelce set new career-best marks in targets, receptions and TDs and has now finished no lower than second among TEs in catches, yards and fantasy points each of the past seven seasons. Incredibly, Kelce was a top-10 fantasy scorer in 76% of his games, whereas only two other tight ends were over 50%. Kansas City didn't make any major offseason adds at wideout, so Kelce remains locked in as Patrick Mahomes' top target. Kelce is the clear-cut No. 1 TE in fantasy and the 33-year-old should be selected in the middle of the first round in drafts.",
                                "stats": [
                                        "appliedAverage": 10.75,
                                        "appliedStats": {
                                            "42": 9.5,
                                            "43": 12.0
                                        "appliedTotal": 21.5,
                                        "externalId": "2023",
                                        "id": "002023",
                                        "proTeamId": 0,
                                        "scoringPeriodId": 0,
                                        "seasonId": 2023,
                                        "statSourceId": 0,
                                        "statSplitTypeId": 0,
                                        "stats": {
                                            "41": 11.0,
                                            "42": 95.0,
                                            "43": 2.0,
                                            "47": 18.0,
                                            "48": 8.0,
                                            "49": 4.0,
                                            "50": 3.0,
                                            "210": 2.0,
                                            "51": 1.0,
                                            "53": 11.0,
                                            "213": 5.0,
                                            "54": 1.0,
                                            "183": 2.0,
                                            "58": 17.0,
                                            "59": 35.0,
                                            "155": 2.0,
                                            "60": 8.63636364,
                                            "61": 47.5,
                                            "158": 12.0
                                        "appliedAverage": 11.490647893764288,
                                        "appliedStats": {
                                            "68": -1.111583956,
                                            "72": -0.618897562,
                                            "24": 0.7513780767,
                                            "25": 0.989157522,
                                            "42": 103.608106,
                                            "26": 0.016962604,
                                            "43": 56.46344792399999,
                                            "44": 0.74115409,
                                            "63": 0.029345814
                                        "appliedTotal": 160.86907051270003,
                                        "externalId": "2023",
                                        "id": "122023",
                                        "proTeamId": 0,
                                        "scoringPeriodId": 0,
                                        "seasonId": 2023,
                                        "statSourceId": 1,
                                        "statSplitTypeId": 2,
                                        "stats": {
                                            "23": 2.988330708,
                                            "24": 7.513780767,
                                            "25": 0.164859587,
                                            "26": 0.008481302,
                                            "27": 1.0,
                                            "35": 0.005491231,
                                            "36": 0.003843861,
                                            "37": 1.24341E-4,
                                            "38": 4.24327E-6,
                                            "39": 2.51437391,
                                            "40": 0.536698626,
                                            "42": 1036.08106,
                                            "43": 9.410574654,
                                            "44": 0.370577045,
                                            "45": 0.18871946,
                                            "46": 0.123328167,
                                            "47": 207.0,
                                            "48": 103.0,
                                            "49": 51.0,
                                            "50": 41.0,
                                            "51": 20.0,
                                            "53": 89.55446972,
                                            "54": 17.0,
                                            "55": 8.0,
                                            "56": 3.576782082,
                                            "57": 0.110622126,
                                            "58": 123.1237595,
                                            "60": 11.56928363,
                                            "61": 74.00579002,
                                            "62": 0.379058348,
                                            "63": 0.004890969,
                                            "66": 0.035894532,
                                            "67": 1.075689424,
                                            "68": 1.111583956,
                                            "70": 0.016511485,
                                            "71": 0.602386078,
                                            "72": 0.618897562,
                                            "73": 0.618897562,
                                            "210": 14.0,
                                            "212": 2.264503458,
                                            "213": 51.8847794
                                        "appliedAverage": 12.13529411764706,
                                        "appliedStats": {
                                            "68": -1.0,
                                            "72": -1.0,
                                            "24": 0.5,
                                            "42": 133.8,
                                            "43": 72.0,
                                            "44": 2.0
                                        "appliedTotal": 206.3,
                                        "externalId": "2022",
                                        "id": "002022",
                                        "proTeamId": 0,
                                        "scoringPeriodId": 0,
                                        "seasonId": 2022,
                                        "statSourceId": 0,
                                        "statSplitTypeId": 0,
                                        "stats": {
                                            "23": 2.0,
                                            "24": 5.0,
                                            "39": 2.5,
                                            "40": 0.29411765,
                                            "41": 110.0,
                                            "42": 1338.0,
                                            "43": 12.0,
                                            "44": 1.0,
                                            "47": 262.0,
                                            "48": 126.0,
                                            "49": 58.0,
                                            "50": 46.0,
                                            "51": 20.0,
                                            "52": 6.0,
                                            "53": 110.0,
                                            "54": 15.0,
                                            "55": 2.0,
                                            "56": 6.0,
                                            "58": 152.0,
                                            "59": 648.0,
                                            "60": 12.16363636,
                                            "61": 78.70588235,
                                            "67": 1.0,
                                            "68": 1.0,
                                            "71": 1.0,
                                            "72": 1.0,
                                            "73": 1.0,
                                            "108": 2.0,
                                            "109": 2.0,
                                            "155": 14.0,
                                            "156": 3.0,
                                            "158": 74.0,
                                            "183": 8.0,
                                            "184": 2.0,
                                            "186": 2.0,
                                            "210": 17.0,
                                            "213": 75.0
                                        "appliedAverage": 11.824199424285714,
                                        "appliedStats": {
                                            "68": -1.176153911,
                                            "72": -0.654538485,
                                            "24": 1.358639976,
                                            "25": 2.410928928,
                                            "42": 107.0965893,
                                            "26": 0.043933748,
                                            "43": 55.565732280000006,
                                            "44": 0.862609642,
                                            "63": 0.031050462
                                        "appliedTotal": 165.53879194,
                                        "externalId": "2023",
                                        "id": "102023",
                                        "proTeamId": 0,
                                        "scoringPeriodId": 0,
                                        "seasonId": 2023,
                                        "statSourceId": 1,
                                        "statSplitTypeId": 0,
                                        "stats": {
                                            "23": 3.419791636,
                                            "24": 13.58639976,
                                            "25": 0.401821488,
                                            "26": 0.021966874,
                                            "27": 2.0,
                                            "28": 1.0,
                                            "35": 0.00628401,
                                            "36": 0.004398807,
                                            "37": 4.10219E-4,
                                            "38": 1.39992E-5,
                                            "39": 3.972873557,
                                            "40": 0.962369983,
                                            "42": 1070.965893,
                                            "43": 9.26095538,
                                            "44": 0.431304821,
                                            "45": 0.211463495,
                                            "46": 0.138191394,
                                            "47": 214.0,
                                            "48": 107.0,
                                            "49": 53.0,
                                            "50": 42.0,
                                            "51": 21.0,
                                            "53": 94.49865715,
                                            "54": 18.0,
                                            "55": 9.0,
                                            "56": 3.252048847,
                                            "57": 0.10057883,
                                            "58": 128.0626205,
                                            "60": 11.33313345,
                                            "61": 75.86008407,
                                            "62": 0.453271695,
                                            "63": 0.005175077,
                                            "66": 0.041077053,
                                            "67": 1.135076858,
                                            "68": 1.176153911,
                                            "70": 0.018895444,
                                            "71": 0.635643041,
                                            "72": 0.654538485,
                                            "73": 0.654538485,
                                            "210": 14.11764706,
                                            "212": 2.916179038,
                                            "213": 53.77726794
                                        "appliedAverage": 8.774414761143749,
                                        "appliedStats": {
                                            "68": -0.91224375,
                                            "72": -0.509012438,
                                            "24": 0.7134166963,
                                            "25": 1.4354572079999999,
                                            "42": 97.30215108,
                                            "26": 0.01947259,
                                            "43": 41.81034978,
                                            "44": 0.506961774,
                                            "63": 0.024083238
                                        "appliedTotal": 140.39063617829999,
                                        "externalId": "2022",
                                        "id": "102022",
                                        "proTeamId": 0,
                                        "scoringPeriodId": 0,
                                        "seasonId": 2022,
                                        "statSourceId": 1,
                                        "statSplitTypeId": 0,
                                        "stats": {
                                            "23": 1.784783634,
                                            "24": 7.134166963,
                                            "25": 0.239242868,
                                            "26": 0.009736295,
                                            "27": 1.0,
                                            "35": 0.003276317,
                                            "36": 0.002293422,
                                            "37": 7.95E-5,
                                            "38": 2.71E-6,
                                            "39": 3.997216708,
                                            "40": 0.444252155,
                                            "42": 973.0215108,
                                            "43": 6.96839163,
                                            "44": 0.253480887,
                                            "45": 0.206009451,
                                            "46": 0.134627177,
                                            "47": 194.0,
                                            "48": 97.0,
                                            "49": 48.0,
                                            "50": 38.0,
                                            "51": 19.0,
                                            "53": 86.50713219,
                                            "54": 17.0,
                                            "55": 8.0,
                                            "56": 2.343468438,
                                            "57": 0.072478405,
                                            "58": 118.7592554,
                                            "60": 11.24787617,
                                            "61": 60.59108309,
                                            "62": 0.263217182,
                                            "63": 0.004013873,
                                            "66": 0.018440621,
                                            "67": 0.893803129,
                                            "68": 0.91224375,
                                            "70": 0.008482685,
                                            "71": 0.500529753,
                                            "72": 0.509012438,
                                            "73": 0.509012438,
                                            "210": 16.05882353
                                        "appliedStats": {
                                            "68": -0.07548465,
                                            "72": -0.041979593,
                                            "24": 0.0569742836,
                                            "25": 0.083897556,
                                            "42": 7.3469394900000005,
                                            "26": 0.00142154,
                                            "43": 4.693743942,
                                            "44": 0.061347176,
                                            "63": 0.001992
                                        "appliedTotal": 12.1288517446,
                                        "externalId": "20233",
                                        "id": "1120233",
                                        "proTeamId": 0,
                                        "scoringPeriodId": 3,
                                        "seasonId": 2023,
                                        "statSourceId": 1,
                                        "statSplitTypeId": 1,
                                        "stats": {
                                            "23": 0.242941915,
                                            "24": 0.569742836,
                                            "25": 0.013982926,
                                            "26": 7.1077E-4,
                                            "35": 4.46534E-4,
                                            "36": 3.12573E-4,
                                            "37": 1.0E-5,
                                            "38": 3.42E-7,
                                            "39": 2.345181297,
                                            "40": 0.569742836,
                                            "42": 73.4693949,
                                            "43": 0.782290657,
                                            "44": 0.030673588,
                                            "45": 0.015333527,
                                            "46": 0.01002046,
                                            "47": 14.0,
                                            "48": 7.0,
                                            "49": 3.0,
                                            "50": 2.0,
                                            "51": 1.0,
                                            "53": 6.041388568,
                                            "54": 1.0,
                                            "56": 0.251401146,
                                            "57": 0.00778,
                                            "58": 8.438543881,
                                            "60": 12.16101134,
                                            "61": 73.4693949,
                                            "62": 0.031384358,
                                            "63": 3.32E-4,
                                            "66": 0.002918113,
                                            "67": 0.072566538,
                                            "68": 0.07548465,
                                            "70": 0.001342332,
                                            "71": 0.040637261,
                                            "72": 0.041979593,
                                            "73": 0.041979593,
                                            "210": 1.0,
                                            "212": 0.166303092,
                                            "213": 3.655290271
                                        "appliedStats": {
                                            "42": 6.9,
                                            "43": 6.0
                                        "appliedTotal": 12.9,
                                        "externalId": "401547438",
                                        "id": "01401547438",
                                        "proTeamId": 12,
                                        "scoringPeriodId": 3,
                                        "seasonId": 2023,
                                        "statSourceId": 0,
                                        "statSplitTypeId": 1,
                                        "stats": {
                                            "41": 7.0,
                                            "42": 69.0,
                                            "43": 1.0,
                                            "47": 13.0,
                                            "48": 6.0,
                                            "49": 3.0,
                                            "50": 2.0,
                                            "51": 1.0,
                                            "53": 7.0,
                                            "54": 1.0,
                                            "58": 8.0,
                                            "59": 21.0,
                                            "60": 9.857,
                                            "61": 69.0,
                                            "155": 1.0,
                                            "158": 6.0,
                                            "183": 1.0,
                                            "210": 1.0,
                                            "213": 4.0
                                        "appliedStats": {
                                            "68": -0.078420659,
                                            "72": -0.043651875,
                                            "24": 0.0518019616,
                                            "25": 0.05828664,
                                            "42": 7.198392986000001,
                                            "26": 0.001008234,
                                            "43": 3.382483302,
                                            "44": 0.044778604,
                                            "63": 0.00207
                                        "appliedTotal": 10.6167491936,
                                        "externalId": "20234",
                                        "id": "1120234",
                                        "proTeamId": 0,
                                        "scoringPeriodId": 4,
                                        "seasonId": 2023,
                                        "statSourceId": 1,
                                        "statSplitTypeId": 1,
                                        "stats": {
                                            "23": 0.219533387,
                                            "24": 0.518019616,
                                            "25": 0.00971444,
                                            "26": 5.04117E-4,
                                            "35": 4.03421E-4,
                                            "36": 2.82395E-4,
                                            "37": 7.94E-6,
                                            "38": 2.71E-7,
                                            "39": 2.359639339,
                                            "40": 0.518019616,
                                            "42": 71.98392986,
                                            "43": 0.563747217,
                                            "44": 0.022389302,
                                            "45": 0.012684494,
                                            "46": 0.008289317,
                                            "47": 14.0,
                                            "48": 7.0,
                                            "49": 3.0,
                                            "50": 2.0,
                                            "51": 1.0,
                                            "53": 6.3092289,
                                            "54": 1.0,
                                            "56": 0.240265762,
                                            "57": 0.00743,
                                            "58": 8.674229038,
                                            "60": 11.40930706,
                                            "61": 71.98392986,
                                            "62": 0.022893419,
                                            "63": 3.45E-4,
                                            "66": 0.00263694,
                                            "67": 0.075783719,
                                            "68": 0.078420659,
                                            "70": 0.001212992,
                                            "71": 0.042438883,
                                            "72": 0.043651875,
                                            "73": 0.043651875,
                                            "210": 1.0,
                                            "212": 0.159952334,
                                            "213": 3.586010794
                                "universeId": 1
                            "ratings": {
                                "0": {
                                    "positionalRanking": 4,
                                    "totalRanking": 150,
                                    "totalRating": 21.5
                            "rosterLocked": false,
                            "status": "ONTEAM",
                            "tradeLocked": false
                        "status": "NORMAL"
                    // Other roster entries
                "tradeReservedEntries": 0
        // All other teams


All this view does is contain a matchupPeriodId id for each match. Basically you'd just want to pair it with mScoreBoard

mLiveScoring json view
    "draftDetail": {
        "drafted": true,
        "inProgress": false
    "gameId": 1,
    "id": 695660,
    "schedule": [
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
            "matchupPeriodId": 1
            "matchupPeriodId": 2
            "matchupPeriodId": 2
            "matchupPeriodId": 2
            "matchupPeriodId": 2
            "matchupPeriodId": 2
            "matchupPeriodId": 2
            "matchupPeriodId": 2
            "matchupPeriodId": 2
            "matchupPeriodId": 3
            "matchupPeriodId": 3
            "matchupPeriodId": 3
            "matchupPeriodId": 3
            "matchupPeriodId": 3
            "matchupPeriodId": 3
            "matchupPeriodId": 3
            "matchupPeriodId": 3
            "matchupPeriodId": 4
            "matchupPeriodId": 4
            "matchupPeriodId": 4
            "matchupPeriodId": 4
            "matchupPeriodId": 4
            "matchupPeriodId": 4
            "matchupPeriodId": 4
            "matchupPeriodId": 4
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
            "matchupPeriodId": 5
            "matchupPeriodId": 6
            "matchupPeriodId": 6
            "matchupPeriodId": 6
            "matchupPeriodId": 6
            "matchupPeriodId": 6
            "matchupPeriodId": 6
            "matchupPeriodId": 6
            "matchupPeriodId": 6
            "matchupPeriodId": 7
            "matchupPeriodId": 7
            "matchupPeriodId": 7
            "matchupPeriodId": 7
            "matchupPeriodId": 7
            "matchupPeriodId": 7
            "matchupPeriodId": 7
            "matchupPeriodId": 7
            "matchupPeriodId": 8
            "matchupPeriodId": 8
            "matchupPeriodId": 8
            "matchupPeriodId": 8
            "matchupPeriodId": 8
            "matchupPeriodId": 8
            "matchupPeriodId": 8
            "matchupPeriodId": 8
            "matchupPeriodId": 9
            "matchupPeriodId": 9
            "matchupPeriodId": 9
            "matchupPeriodId": 9
            "matchupPeriodId": 9
            "matchupPeriodId": 9
            "matchupPeriodId": 9
            "matchupPeriodId": 9
            "matchupPeriodId": 10
            "matchupPeriodId": 10
            "matchupPeriodId": 10
            "matchupPeriodId": 10
            "matchupPeriodId": 10
            "matchupPeriodId": 10
            "matchupPeriodId": 10
            "matchupPeriodId": 10
            "matchupPeriodId": 11
            "matchupPeriodId": 11
            "matchupPeriodId": 11
            "matchupPeriodId": 11
            "matchupPeriodId": 11
            "matchupPeriodId": 11
            "matchupPeriodId": 11
            "matchupPeriodId": 11
            "matchupPeriodId": 12
            "matchupPeriodId": 12
            "matchupPeriodId": 12
            "matchupPeriodId": 12
            "matchupPeriodId": 12
            "matchupPeriodId": 12
            "matchupPeriodId": 12
            "matchupPeriodId": 12
            "matchupPeriodId": 13
            "matchupPeriodId": 13
            "matchupPeriodId": 13
            "matchupPeriodId": 13
            "matchupPeriodId": 13
            "matchupPeriodId": 13
            "matchupPeriodId": 13
            "matchupPeriodId": 13
            "matchupPeriodId": 14
            "matchupPeriodId": 14
            "matchupPeriodId": 14
            "matchupPeriodId": 14
            "matchupPeriodId": 14
            "matchupPeriodId": 14
            "matchupPeriodId": 14
            "matchupPeriodId": 14
    "scoringPeriodId": 4,
    "seasonId": 2023,
    "segmentId": 0,
    "status": {
        "activatedDate": 1690375312281,
        "createdAsLeagueType": 0,
        "currentLeagueType": 0,
        "currentMatchupPeriod": 4,
        "finalScoringPeriod": 17,
        "firstScoringPeriod": 1,
        "isActive": true,
        "isExpired": false,
        "isFull": true,
        "isPlayoffMatchupEdited": true,
        "isToBeDeleted": false,
        "isViewable": true,
        "isWaiverOrderEdited": false,
        "latestScoringPeriod": 4,
        "previousSeasons": [
        "standingsUpdateDate": 1695714108553,
        "teamsJoined": 16,
        "transactionScoringPeriod": 4,
        "waiverLastExecutionDate": 1695714107284,
        "waiverProcessStatus": {
            "2023-09-05T07:31:30.748+0000": 3,
            "2023-09-13T08:41:11.851+0000": 7,
            "2023-09-14T07:43:12.340+0000": 1,
            "2023-09-20T07:40:58.921+0000": 9

This view really doesn't add much other than isLeagueCreator and isLeagueManager to our `members array.


Reduces the league info.


No different than without the view parameter


mMatchupScore mainly deals with the schedule array, so let's break that down.

We previously saw the structure of the schedule in mStandings. We now get an id value for the match, a playoffTierType, and a winner designation. The total score is also broken down in a pointsBySocringPeriod object which has a score for each scoring period. This would be useful for playoff matches that involve 2 week scoring periods.

We also get a Roster object called rosterForCurrentScoringPeriod if the scoring period is the current scoring period. This Roster is a boiled down view of what would be shown in mRoster, only showing us this weeks projected stats. Note that although future matches are shown, the Rosters are not included for the future matches. Note that this view returns 21,573 lines of code for me.

mMatchupScore json view
    "draftDetail": {
        "drafted": true,
        "inProgress": false
    "gameId": 1,
    "id": 695660,
    "schedule": [
            "away": {
                "adjustment": 0.0,
                "cumulativeScore": {
                    "losses": 0,
                    "statBySlot": null,
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 0
                "pointsByScoringPeriod": {
                    "1": 48.06
                "teamId": 3,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 48.06
            "home": {
                "adjustment": 0.0,
                "cumulativeScore": {
                    "losses": 0,
                    "statBySlot": null,
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 0
                "pointsByScoringPeriod": {
                    "1": 91.05
                "teamId": 1,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 91.05
            "id": 1,
            "matchupPeriodId": 1,
            "playoffTierType": "NONE",
            "winner": "HOME"
        ... // continues like this for previous matches
            "away": { ...
            "home": {
                "adjustment": 0.0,
                "cumulativeScore": {
                    "losses": 0,
                    "statBySlot": null,
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 0
                "rosterForCurrentScoringPeriod": {
                    "appliedStatTotal": 0.0,
                    "entries": [
                            "lineupSlotId": 4,
                            "playerPoolEntry": {
                                "player": {
                                    "stats": [
                                            "appliedStats": {
                                                "68": -0.114782457,
                                                "72": -0.064278176,
                                                "42": 8.449198075,
                                                "43": 1.7520858780000002,
                                                "44": 0.028024874,
                                                "63": 0.00303
                                            "appliedTotal": 10.053278194,
                                            "proTeamId": 0,
                                            "scoringPeriodId": 4,
                                            "seasonId": 2023,
                                            "statSourceId": 1,
                                            "statSplitTypeId": 1,
                                            "stats": {
                                                "42": 84.49198075,
                                                "43": 0.292014313,
                                                "44": 0.014012437,
                                                "45": 0.016632843,
                                                "46": 0.010869563,
                                                "47": 16.0,
                                                "48": 8.0,
                                                "49": 4.0,
                                                "50": 3.0,
                                                "51": 1.0,
                                                "53": 5.739122871,
                                                "54": 1.0,
                                                "56": 0.333424577,
                                                "57": 0.0103,
                                                "58": 9.50243504,
                                                "60": 14.72210696,
                                                "61": 84.49198075,
                                                "62": 0.014012437,
                                                "63": 5.05E-4,
                                                "67": 0.114782457,
                                                "68": 0.114782457,
                                                "71": 0.064278176,
                                                "72": 0.064278176,
                                                "73": 0.064278176,
                                                "210": 1.0,
                                                "213": 3.689871996
                                            "variance": {
                                                "23": 0.309561125,
                                                "24": 2.961189065,
                                                "25": 0.016224972,
                                                "26": 0.197283324,
                                                "35": 0.07,
                                                "36": 0.06,
                                                "42": 29.43187548,
                                                "43": 0.427792632,
                                                "44": 0.27543558,
                                                "45": 0.22,
                                                "46": 0.18,
                                                "53": 1.80050828,
                                                "58": 3.45134245,
                                                "63": 0.001,
                                                "68": 0.323380833,
                                                "72": 0.323380833
                        ... // rest of players on roster
                "rosterForMatchupPeriodDelayed": {
                    "entries": []
                "teamId": 16,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 0.0,
                "totalPointsLive": 0.0
            "id": 25,
            "matchupPeriodId": 4,
            "playoffTierType": "NONE",
            "winner": "UNDECIDED"
        ... // All other matches this week with player projections
            "away": {
                "adjustment": 0.0,
                "teamId": 3,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 0.0
            "home": {
                "adjustment": 0.0,
                "teamId": 18,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 0.0
            "id": 33,
            "matchupPeriodId": 5,
            "playoffTierType": "NONE",
            "winner": "UNDECIDED"
        ... // all other future mathces


Much like mMatchupScore, mScoreboard also deals with the schedule. However, this time we do not have a null value for scoreBySlot within the cumulativeScore object the way we did for mMatchupSocre. Instead we have a Statline object showing the to values for each stat, i.e. Rushing TDs, Rushing Yards etc. We also get the projected stats for players for the current week with some additional details like the players fullName so that's convenient to see. We also see totalPointsLive and totalProjectedPointsLive for the current scoring period.


If you want to see the rosterForCurrentScoringPeriod for previous weeks you need to explicity set scoringPeriodId as a GET parameter, with the scoring period as the value.

Alternatively, you can also set the x-fantasy-filter header to {"schedule":{"filterMatchupPeriodIds":{"value":[1]}}} where 1 is the scoring period.

Total Projected Points Live

Probably the best part is that we get totalPointsLive and totalProjectedPointsLive for the current scoringPeriodId

mScoreboard json view
    "draftDetail": {
        "drafted": true,
        "inProgress": false
    "id": 695660,
    "schedule": [
            "away": {
                "cumulativeScore": {
                    "losses": 0,
                    "scoreByStat": {
                        "128": {
                            "ineligible": false,
                            "rank": 0.0,
                            "result": null,
                            "score": 0.0
                        "129": {
                            "ineligible": false,
                            "rank": 0.0,
                            "result": null,
                            "score": 0.0
                        "130": {
                            "ineligible": false,
                            "rank": 0.0,
                            "result": null,
                            "score": 0.0
                        "3": {
                            "ineligible": false,
                            "rank": 0.0,
                            "result": null,
                            "score": 229.0
                        ... // all other stat Ids and their total for the match
                    "statBySlot": null,
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 0
                "teamId": 3,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 48.06
            "home": {
            "id": 1,
            "winner": "HOME"
        ... // similar for previous weeks
            "home": {
                "cumulativeScore": {
                    "losses": 0,
                    "scoreByStat": {
                        "128": {
                            "ineligible": false,
                            "rank": 0.0,
                            "result": null,
                            "score": 0.0
                    "statBySlot": null,
                    "ties": 0,
                    "wins": 0
                "rosterForCurrentScoringPeriod": {
                    "entries": [
                            "injuryStatus": "NORMAL",
                            "lineupSlotId": 4,
                            "playerId": 4361370,
                            "playerPoolEntry": {
                                "appliedStatTotal": 0.0,
                                "id": 4361370,
                                "onTeamId": 16,
                                "player": {
                                    "active": true,
                                    "defaultPositionId": 3,
                                    "eligibleSlots": [
                                    "firstName": "Chris",
                                    "fullName": "Chris Olave",
                                    "id": 4361370,
                                    "injured": false,
                                    "injuryStatus": "ACTIVE",
                                    "jersey": "12",
                                    "lastName": "Olave",
                                    "proTeamId": 18,
                                    "stats": [
                                            "appliedStats": {
                                                "68": -0.114782457,
                                                "72": -0.064278176,
                                                "42": 8.449198075,
                                                "43": 1.7520858780000002,
                                                "44": 0.028024874,
                                                "63": 0.00303
                                            "appliedTotal": 10.053278194,
                                            "appliedTotalCeiling": 15.473331027999999,
                                            "externalId": "20234",
                                            "id": "1120234",
                                            "lastUpdateInfo": {},
                                            "proTeamId": 0,
                                            "scoringPeriodId": 4,
                                            "seasonId": 2023,
                                            "statSourceId": 1,
                                            "statSplitTypeId": 1,
                                            "stats": {
                                                "42": 84.49198075,
                                                "43": 0.292014313,
                                                "44": 0.014012437,
                                                "45": 0.016632843,
                                                "46": 0.010869563,
                                                "47": 16.0,
                                                "48": 8.0,
                                                "49": 4.0,
                                                "50": 3.0,
                                                "51": 1.0,
                                                "53": 5.739122871,
                                                "54": 1.0,
                                                "56": 0.333424577,
                                                "57": 0.0103,
                                                "58": 9.50243504,
                                                "60": 14.72210696,
                                                "61": 84.49198075,
                                                "62": 0.014012437,
                                                "63": 5.05E-4,
                                                "67": 0.114782457,
                                                "68": 0.114782457,
                                                "71": 0.064278176,
                                                "72": 0.064278176,
                                                "73": 0.064278176,
                                                "210": 1.0,
                                                "213": 3.689871996
                                            "variance": {
                                                "23": 0.309561125,
                                                "24": 2.961189065,
                                                "25": 0.016224972,
                                                "26": 0.197283324,
                                                "35": 0.07,
                                                "36": 0.06,
                                                "42": 29.43187548,
                                                "43": 0.427792632,
                                                "44": 0.27543558,
                                                "45": 0.22,
                                                "46": 0.18,
                                                "53": 1.80050828,
                                                "58": 3.45134245,
                                                "63": 0.001,
                                                "68": 0.323380833,
                                                "72": 0.323380833
                                    "universeId": 2
                                "status": "ONTEAM"
                            "status": "NORMAL"

                "rosterForMatchupPeriod": {
                    "entries": []
                "teamId": 16,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 0.0,
                "totalPointsLive": 0.0,
                "totalProjectedPointsLive": 92.4308868695
            "id": 25,
            "winner": "UNDECIDED"
            "away": {
                "teamId": 10,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 0.0
            "home": {
                "teamId": 4,
                "tiebreak": 0.0,
                "totalPoints": 0.0
            "id": 110,
            "winner": "UNDECIDED"
        ... // other future weeks


This view does not provide a matchupPeriodId but just the match id. However, that is literally all that mLiveScoring provides, so you might as well group those together.


mMatchup is effectively the combination of mMatchupScore, mScoreBoard, and a somewhat reduced view of mRoster. It returns an absolute monstor of a json view: 213,565 lines. Obviously the teams array of Rosters that gets returned won't have some of the details that mRoster provides such as the previous years stats and projection.
