Using @Input
and @Output
In this approach, the child component, which is embedded in the parent component, has both @Input
and @Output
properties which can be referenced in the html selector.
Type into the parent input
- Value is updated in the child component
Type into the child input
- Value is emitted to the parent when submitted
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Using a Service
Components can communicate with any number of other components with the use of a Service
that can be injected into each component. In the following example we have a parent component with a son and daughter component. The son or daughter component can emit values that all other components listen to and print.
<h1>Brother Component</h1>
<p>Message to send to anybody</p>
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="inputText" (keyup.enter)="onClick()" />
<button (click)="onClick()">Submit</button>
<div *ngIf="sisterMessage$ | async as sisterMessage">
<p>Sister said: {{ sisterMessage }}</p>
export class UiService {
private brotherMessage = new Subject<string>();
public brotherMessage$ = this.brotherMessage.asObservable();
private sisterMessage = new Subject<string>();
public sisterMessage$ = this.sisterMessage.asObservable();
constructor() {}
brotherSpeak(message: string): void {;
sisterSpeak(message: string): void {;
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Template selector reference¶
The instance of the child selector can be used throughout the parent template.
- Parent component displays the message property of the child component
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Using @ViewChild
By injecting the child component programatically, all of it's public methods can be accessed within the parent component.
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