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Flutter Firebase Tutorial

This is a simple basic tutorial for Flutter and Firebase I liked a lot.

YouTube tutorial (

Install firebase-tools cli if you haven't already.

npm install -g firebase-tools

Login to the Firebase CLI

firebase login

Activate the flutterfire cli

flutter pub global activate flutterfire_cli

Configure the project with a firebase project

flutterfire configure

Add dependencies

flutter pub add firebase_core

I had an issue with cocopods, fixed it by reinstalling with brew (

sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
brew install cocoapods
brew link --overwrite cocoapods
brew unlink cocoapods && brew link cocoapods
fire_base core error

Error: The pod "Firebase/CoreOnly" required by the plugin "firebase_core" requires a higher minimum iOS deployment version than the plugin's reported minimum version. To build, remove the plugin "firebase_core", or contact the plugin's developers for assistance. Error running pod install

Open the ios/PodFile and uncomment the platform line, change to version '13.0'

Add firestore dependency for firestore database

flutter pub add cloud_firestore

To get debugging certificates SHA-1 to use google sign in when debugging

cd android/
./gradlew signingReport

I followed the instructions for setting up android, and ended up getting an error;

Following this stackoverflow ( this seemed to fix it.

flutter pub upgrade --major-versions

I was then warned that the min sdk needed to be 23, so I manually set that value from the original flutterMinSdkVersion
