Using GoAccess with Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) to visuallize logs.¶
I mainly wanted to make sure and get this docker-compose.yml
in here for future use.
Note the last couple of lines. You can set to the log file to digest all logs. However, GoAccess doesn't support any filtering per hostname, so if you want to see analytics for only a particular host name, you want would to just mount the proxy-host-1_access.log
for example. npm creates one of these for each proxy host.
image: "jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest"
container_name: nginx_proxy_manager
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: "host"
- "80:80" # HTTP
- "443:443" # HTTPS
- "81:81" # Admin Panel
- ./data/npm_data:/data
- ./data/npm_letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
- ./data/npm_logs:/var/log/nginx
DB_SQLITE_FILE: "/data/database.sqlite" # Using SQLite instead of MySQL for simplicity
image: justsky/goaccess-for-nginxproxymanager:latest
container_name: goaccess
restart: unless-stopped
- TZ=America/Denver
#- SKIP_ARCHIVED_LOGS=False #optional
#- BASIC_AUTH=False #optional
#- BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=user #optional
#- BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=pass #optional
- '7880:7880'
#- ./data/npm_data/logs:/opt/log
- ./data/npm_data/logs/proxy-host-1_access.log:/opt/log/proxy-host-1_access.log
Note when using a cloud flare tunnel, make sure you add this in the advanced tab. This will ensure you're getting the real ip from users from the cloudflare tunnel.
Running goaccess within the container.¶
Start a shell inside goaccess
Then to run goaccess
Note that this expects regular nginx formatted logs and does not invoke our .conf configuration. I'm still working on this, if I specify the config file it also tries to start the web server which is already running.
/goaccess/goaccess -f /opt/log/proxy-host-1_access.log --config-file=/goaccess-config/goaccess-no-html.conf
That config looks just like the default goaccess.conf
file that is created by the container. We can modify it not include the html report. Also can ignore statuses
# goaccess_no_html.conf
time-format %T
date-format %d/%b/%Y
log_format [%d:%t %^] %^ %^ %s - %m %^ %v "%U" [Client %h] [Length %b] [Gzip %^] [Sent-to %^] "%u" "%R"
port 7890
real-time-html false
ignore-status 200
ignore-status 201
ignore-status 202
ignore-status 204
ignore-status 301
ignore-status 302
ignore-status 304
ignore-status 400
ignore-status 403
ignore-status 404
ignore-status 405
ignore-status 408
ignore-status 500
ignore-status 502
ignore-status 503
ignore-status 504
log-file /goaccess-config/archive.log
log-file /goaccess-config/active.log
# Proxy logs
log-file /opt/log/proxy-host-2_access.log
log-file /opt/log/proxy-host-4_access.log
log-file /opt/log/proxy-host-3_access.log
log-file /opt/log/proxy-host-1_access.log
log-file /opt/log/proxy-host-5_access.log
log-file /goaccess-logs/archives/proxy-host-3_access.log.1
log-file /goaccess-logs/archives/proxy-host-1_access.log.1
log-file /goaccess-logs/archives/proxy-host-4_access.log.1
log-file /goaccess-logs/archives/proxy-host-2_access.log.1
geoip-database /goaccess-config/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
geoip-database /goaccess-config/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
geoip-database /goaccess-config/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
You'll just want to include the file as a volume that you can reference when you're in a shell within the container
image: justsky/goaccess-for-nginxproxymanager:latest
container_name: goaccess
restart: unless-stopped
- TZ=America/New_York
#- SKIP_ARCHIVED_LOGS=False #optional
#- BASIC_AUTH=False #optional
#- BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME=user #optional
#- BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=pass #optional
- '7880:7880'
#- ./data/npm_data/logs:/opt/log
- ./data/npm_data/logs:/opt/log
- ./goaccess-config/goaccess-no-html.conf:/goaccess-config/goaccess-no-html.conf
You can also just run a command and not worry about referencing the custom config
/goaccess/goaccess /goaccess-config/archive.log \
/goaccess-config/active.log \
/opt/log/proxy-host-2_access.log \
/opt/log/proxy-host-4_access.log \
/opt/log/proxy-host-3_access.log \
/opt/log/proxy-host-1_access.log \
/opt/log/proxy-host-5_access.log \
/goaccess-logs/archives/proxy-host-3_access.log.1 \
/goaccess-logs/archives/proxy-host-1_access.log.1 \
/goaccess-logs/archives/proxy-host-4_access.log.1 \
/goaccess-logs/archives/proxy-host-2_access.log.1 \
--log-format='[%d:%t %^] %^ %^ %s - %m %^ %v "%U" [Client %h] [Length %b] [Gzip %^] [Sent-to %^] "%u" "%R"' \
--time-format=%T \
--date-format=%d/%b/%Y \
--port=7890 \
# --real-time-html=false \
--ignore-status=200 \
--ignore-status=201 \
--ignore-status=202 \
--ignore-status=204 \
--ignore-status=301 \
--ignore-status=302 \
--ignore-status=304 \
--ignore-status=400 \
--ignore-status=403 \
--ignore-status=404 \
--ignore-status=405 \
--ignore-status=408 \
--ignore-status=500 \
--ignore-status=502 \
--ignore-status=503 \
--ignore-status=504 \
--geoip-database=/goaccess-config/GeoLite2-City.mmdb \
--geoip-database=/goaccess-config/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb \