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2024 10 06 ESPN Fantasy Football SpringBoot

Quickly reviewing what I learned looking through the api.

In the in-match api return for an active week, i.e. scoringPeriodId is set to the current week, and our view contains mBoxScore, mScoreBoard, mLiveScoring, mMatchupScore, we'll get each teams active roster, currrent total projected points, and current live points. In each roster spot, we'll get two different stat objects, one representing the original projection and one the live stats. In the original projection, it's important to note that we have a appliedTotalCeiling value, we'll need that.

Organizing different repositories and environmental variables

Organizing different publishing libraries should be straightforward in the build.gradle in situations where you might pubish to a snapshot repository vs a release repository.

In the following build.gradle, note that I can simply change the publishRepository to releasesRepository and the artifact will be published accordingly. I don't yet have a sexy solution for having the "SNAPSHOT" at the end of the version, but I will report back if I streamline that further.

Setting up a Free, Self Hosted, Photo Storage Alternative

I am amazed at how good this free and open-source photo solution is. A software called Immich, developed by an electrical/software engineer, who wanted no-limits, private, free alternative to storing photos after starting a family.

Hey, I also started a family not that long ago and all of the sudden, I started taking TONS of photos. Fortunately for me, Alex has already created this amazing solution and open-sourced it, so that the whole community gets to use this!