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Using Ubuntu Snap Store

Download Immich Distribution. When finished it will run on port 80, i.e. localhost. The persisted locations are found in


i.e. you'll see the pgsql and upload folder here.

To see the snap variables run

snap get immich-distribution

If you want to change the port run

sudo snap set immich haproxy-http-bind="*:2283"

Then restart

sudo snap restart immich-distribution

To stop

sudo snap stop immich-distribution

More info here

Using Umbrel

Installing CasaOS in Ubuntu

Where does app data reside

The app data for immich resides in /DATA/AppData/big-bear-immich.

In here we have the pgdata folder and upload folder.

Mounting a SMB network drive.

If you want to map a NAS to store your immich assets, you can mount your network drive.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cifs-utils
sudo mkdir /mnt/smb_share
sudo mount -t cifs //server_ip/share /mnt/smb_share -o username=your_username,password=your_password

For me this would be

sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/smb_share -o username=thomas,password=<password>

Let's say we want to change the upload location

mv -v /DATA/AppData/big-bear-immich/upload /home/thomas/

Then change the environmental variable in immich.

I could have also mounted the upload location to my smb network drive.

mv -v /home/thomas/upload /mnt/smb_share/casaos/immich

If I wanted to copy a folder from one location to another (i.e. backup), I can do

cp -r /source/path /destination/path