The app data for immich resides in /DATA/AppData/big-bear-immich
In here we have the pgdata folder and upload folder.
If you want to map a NAS to store your immich assets, you can mount your network drive.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install cifs-utils
sudo mkdir /mnt/smb_share
sudo mount -t cifs //server_ip/share /mnt/smb_share -o username=your_username,password=your_password
For me this would be
sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/smb_share -o username=thomas,password=<password>
Let's say we want to change the upload location
mv -v /DATA/AppData/big-bear-immich/upload /home/thomas/
Then change the environmental variable in immich.
I could have also mounted the upload location to my smb network drive.
mv -v /home/thomas/upload /mnt/smb_share/casaos/immich
If I wanted to copy a folder from one location to another (i.e. backup), I can do
cp -r /source/path /destination/path